Hello, my name is
Jamaliya A

I' m a

Hello World I'm a Full Stack web developer ( MERN), but still exploring other technologies and frameworks that catch my interest!. Coding have been my passion since the days I started working with computers but I found myself into Web Development since jan,2022... When i front of computer I feel Very Good...
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About Me

Hello World I'm a Full Stack web developer ( MERN), but still exploring other technologies and frameworks that catch my interest!. Coding have been my passion since the days I started working with computers but I found myself into Web Development since jan,2022... When i front of computer I feel Very Good...


Full-Stack Web Development

W3-School And Youtube

Jan 2023 - Present

B.E Computer Science Engineering

E.G.S Pillay Engineering College Nagapatinam

Nov 2022 - July 2026